2024 Pac Cup Preparation Timeline - Mary Lovely

Hang this where you will see it - like on your refrigerator or over the nav station!

If you have any questions on any of this drop us (Mary Lovely and Jim Quanci) a line by phone (+1-415-441-4461) or e-mail (mary.p.lovely@gmail.com or Jim.quanci@autodesk.com). We love to talk to Pac Cuppers and have competed in the race several times. This is not an "official" race document that is recognized by higher powers so if you are interested in the "legal details" check out the Notice of Race and its Appendices for the "official" word.

Spring 2023

(__) This is a good time for me to get a boat or start making friends with boat owners.

(__) I am working to add to the skills that I will need to have a fun, safe, and successful race, including Spinnaker handling, systems repair, night driving, and cooking.

(__) I will get a jump on things and attend a 2023 Safety at Sea course.  At least 30% of the crew (including the skipper and both members of a double-handed crew) must complete the two day course, and 60% of the crew must have completed either the two-day course, a one-day course, or the on-line “Offshore Safety at Sea” course.

Summer 2023

(__) I will sail. Offshore and overnight if I can, but I will sail.

(__) I will attend the PCYC Pacific Offshore Academy.

October 2023

(__) Time to enter if I really want to do the race and avoid any chance of ending up on an entrant waiting list.

(__) My crew and I attended PCYC Pacific Offshore Academy.


December 2023

(__) Invited people I want as crew. (Or got invited) Christmas time is a good time to lock down who your crew is - so they can set aside the time with their family and boss. People I am inviting as crew are -

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If you need crew - check out the crew list on the Pac Cup web site -- https://admin.pacificcup.org/crewlist .

(__) I don't own an offshore liferaft or have the required pyrotechnics (flares) and to save money am considering renting them. Contacted the rental company and put down a deposit. Note:  liferaft rental companies have been known to rent out all their equipment as early as October. Maybe a past entrant is selling their liferaft and pyrotechnics?

(__) I have made arrangements to haul my boat in the late winter or early spring of 2024 and to thoroughly inspect the rig, the rudder, and the rest of the steering system, to drop the rig and rudder if necessary or appropriate, and to complete all necessary or appropriate repairs and maintenance.

January 2024

(__) I called my travel agent and crew about making lodging reservations. There are no hotels near Kaneohe Yacht Club and what lodging there is sells out early - so don't delay booking lodging or your options will be very limited. Some lodging ideas to give your travel agent are B&B's in Kaneohe or Kailua (very reasonable rates), or renting a house in Kailua (where the regular folks live) or Lanikai (beautiful area but on the pricier side). You can find more about lodging at the PacCup web site -- https://pacificcup.org/kb/housing-kaneohe. Picking the date you may arrive, and your lodging reservation should start, can be tricky and depends on how risk averse you are. It is wonderful to have a bed to go to when you arrive - though renting a place you don't fully use because you finished a bit late doesn't feel good either.

(__) I have made a decision and arrangements for how I will get the boat home. If you want to hire a captain to bring the boat back, now is the time to book one. You may be able to find a delivery skipper in the crew list -- https://admin.pacificcup.org/crewlist. If that doesn’t work, send us an e-mail if you need the names of a few delivery captains - mary.lovely@sbcglobal.net. If you have a small boat (<40 feet) and a trailer - you can readily ship your boat home. For boat shipping details, check out detailed information that will be posted on the PacCup web site.

(__) I went back to the PacCup website where I reviewed and completed all details on my boat and crew in time to make it in the Race Guide, well ahead of the March 15 deadline. I know my crew will never let me forget it if they aren't in the Race Guide. I have avoided feeling embarrassed every time my family and crew look at the Race Guide.

(__) If my boat will race in a PHRF Division and it has not been weighed and measured, I have either signed up for a weighing and measuring event or elected not to and, accordingly, will not compete for the overall Pacific Cup Trophy.


  • (__) My boat will race in a PHRF division, so I applied for my 2024 Northern California PHRF Certificate before the February 1 advisory deadline. It can take a few months to get your rating certificate which you need to apply for from YRA, receive, and forward to PCYC - all before the May 1 deadline. You can learn more including downloading the PHRF application form at http://www.yra.org.


  • (__) My boat will race in an ORR (Offshore Racing Rule) division, so I applied to obtain a new or renewed 2024 ORR Certificate before the January 15 advisory deadline. You will need to obtain and forward your ORR Certificate to PCYC before the deadline.  You can learn more at http://www.ussailing.org/offshore/ORR/orr.asp.

February 2024

(__) My crew and I attended PCYC Pacific Offshore Academy , if that's when it is!

(__) I have figured out what to do for emergency steering. Before the race, I have to sign in blood that I have sailed upwind and downwind in wind of 10+ knots with my emergency steering -- not easy unless I have an honest for goodness real emergency rudder. It takes time to develop and build an effective system. You can find a discussion of systems in the knowledgebase on the PCYC website -- https://pacificcup.org/knowledge-base#Emergency-Steering.

March 2024

(__) My boat is all prepared to go to Hawaii and I just need to spend more time getting to know my crew, practicing sailing at night, and, if I am a serious racer, sailing at night with the spinnaker up.

(__) I have contacted PacCup equipment shipping chair to arrange to have non-racing equipment - including my dinghy, dodger and delivery sales - shipped ahead to Kaneohe Yacht Club, and my racing equipment shipped back to California.

April 2024

(__) I have prepared my boat for inspection. Remember, the PacCup is Category 1 and the Notice of Race and the Pacific Cup Equipment Rules include a few additions to US Sailing’s Safety Equipment Requirements, as well as several clarifications.

(__) I scheduled my boat inspection ahead of the May 8 deadline. Note you must schedule your boat inspection on time or get fined or excluded - why wait until the last minute? Schedule your boat inspection now. For questions about the inspection or to schedule your inspection, contact the Chief Inspector or your assigned inspector.

(__) I received my 2024 Northern California PHRF Certificate or my 2024 ORR Certificate and transmitted it to PCYC. Note this must be submitted to PCYC by May 1 to avoid fines or exclusion.  Also if you plan any changes to your boat that will change your rating -- you must notify PCYC by May 1 including details on intended changes. Amended PHRF Certificates or ORR Certificates must be received by PCYC by June 1.

(__) If I haven't already done so in March (insuring the Race Guide has the correct information on my boat and crew), submitted all required information for my and my crew’s entry.

(__) I have practiced man-overboard drills with my crew.

(__) I have performed emergency steering test with my crew.

(__) I have scheduled my nonstop, overnight, 150 mile, Qualifying Voyage with at least one of my crew. (see Pacific Cup Equipment Rules)

May 2024

(__) I have completed the 2024 PCER

(__) I had my boat inspected. I gave the inspector copies of my Certificate of Man-Overboard Drill, Life Raft Certificate, and certificate of successful emergency rudder test too.  I also showed him my SSB, VHF and bilge pumps work. Note you have to be inspected by June 10.

(__) Made a few changes to my boat and just received my amended PHRF Certificate or ORR Certificate and forwarded it to the PCYC. Last date to get amended rating certificates to PCYC is June 1st.

(__)Ordered embroidered shirts for my crew. We will be styling!

June 2024

(__) Had a few deficiencies during the boat inspection that I have fixed and just sent the inspector a "certification of correction of deficiencies" before the June 11 deadline. Note you have until the Skippers and Navigators meeting to correct any deficiencies and hand in the certificate of such. But why wait until the last minute?

(__) Sent my crew information on the Bon Voyage Party and the Awards Banquet - sent in my reservations too.

(__) Received and read the Sailing Instructions and gave a copy to my Navigator.

(__) My Navigator and I attended the Skippers and Navigators meeting. Exact times to be provided in May. If you haven't done so already, this is the last day to submit Certification of Correction of deficiencies found during inspection, Certification of Successful Emergency Rudder Test, Certification of Man Overboard Drill and Part 3 Crew Waivers.

(__) My family and crew attended the Bon Voyage Party. (More details on the Bon Voyage party to follow in the Spring.)

(__)Enough is enough, it's time to go sailing!

