Party at RYC: A Call to Adventure
A Call to Adventure
Sunday, January 26th
1600 (or 4:00PM)
Downstairs at Richmond Yacht Club
Please join us in celebrating our countdown to the 2026 Pacific Cup by grabbing a pint of beer (on us!) and swapping stories around a warm fire downstairs at the Richmond Yacht Club.
First Starts
First Starts for the 2026 Pac Cup will be July 6, 2026
We expect signups to open in the Spring of 2025
New Board Elected
Following a congenial general meeting at Berkeley Yacht Club, the following previously-nominated folks were elected as the new board for the 2024-26 race cycle
Commodore: Bob Hinden
VC: Cory Schillaci
Treasurer: Eric Tecza
Secretary: Moni Blum
Rear Commodore: Elizabeth Bishop
Staff Commodore: Hawkeye King
- Michael Moradzadeh
- Jeff Duval
- Galen Loving
- William Pryor
- Walt Niemczura
- Aaron Wangenheim
- Tim Collins
- Marc-Andrea Klimaschewski
Director, KYC: Cathy Pratt
Biennial Meeting of PCYC/Post-Race Social
Calling all Pac Cup Supporters and Participants!
Our official Meeting of the Pacific Cup Yacht Club will take place September 23 at Berkeley Yacht Club, with socializing before and after.
DOORS OPEN AT 5:30. Formal meeting starts at 7
The agenda for the meeting will include:
2024 Wrapup
[Kaneohe Yacht Club, HI, August 3, 2024] – From July 15th’s light wind first starts to the final days of the race with 15 foot swells and unrelenting winds on the approach to Kaneohe Yacht Club, the 2024 Pacific Cup Race was nothing short of an adventure.
Returning Skippers Meeting
Meet in the long house for skippers' briefings on weather, comms, environment, and the chance to win some money!
Almost All In for the 2024 Pacific Cup. Parties Ensue
The standings tell the story, but not the whole story. It's easy to see Velvet Hammer at the top of the standings, Azure dominating her hard-fought division, and double-handers Accelerando and Moonshine topping their respective divisions, for example. However, the real story can be read in our participants' faces on shore.
Heavy Winds Make for Challenging Passages
"Squallmageddon" was the phrase used by one boat (Gilligan) to describe some of their experiences. Gilligan, perhaps named with less irony than intended, was in the middle of the 2024 Pacific Cup's windy race to Hawaii.
After a deeply frustrating, almost windless first two days of racing, the wind picked up and built to a fairly constant wind strength in the 20s and sometimes 30s. Those of us at home could comfortably click on the wind chart and see a civilized 17 knots, but those at sea found the wind a bit higher.